Healthy Sexuality

Girls Inc. Healthy Sexuality modules are all age-appropriate, medically-accurate, and research-based. This program will assist girls in understanding and embracing sexuality with a positive, empowered approach that is built on a foundation of accurate information, cultural sensitivity, and values of inclusiveness and respect. The Girls Inc. Healthy Sexuality program helps girls learn about and develop an appreciation for the human body and all it can do, engage in healthy relationships, be inclusive and supportive of sexual diversity and rights, explore values, and think about their futures and the world around them.

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Program Modules

Becoming Informed (ages 6-8)
This toolkit promotes foundational learning for girls. Girls will learn about honesty, communication, respect, and safety, as well as accurate names for body parts and their functions and about taking care of one’s body.
Informed Together (ages 9-11)
This toolkit is designed to jump-start and deepen parent-child conversations about sexuality. Participants will explore kindness, understanding, empathy, love, and communication in all types of relationships. Girls will discuss sexual and gender identity as a broad concept, as well as learning about the biology of the body, including anatomy, puberty, menstruation, reproduction, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Informed and In Charge (ages 12-14)
This toolkit is designed to teach girls to identify, establish, and cultivate healthy relationships through assertiveness and negotiation skills. Girls have the opportunity to increase their understanding of sexuality and develop critical thinking skills and practice effective decision making about their bodies.
Taking Charge (ages 15-18)
This toolkit provides content on personal awareness of rights, boundary setting, and communication, and raises awareness of barriers faced by some girls and women to fully and safely exercise human rights, access community resources, and express their identities.Girls will have access to content about sexual anatomy, the ways people may be sexually active, factors that contribute to risk of sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy, and decision making to reduce risk.