“I am forever proud to call myself a Girls Inc girl.”
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“I am forever proud to call myself a Girls Inc girl.”

Girls Inc programming has truly meant the world to me and has completely transformed my life. I am a Girls Inc girl. This is an integral part of my identity. 

As a young child, I was severely bullied by my classmates. This experience caused me to enter the darkest state of my life. I went from being a very outgoing and confident child to a reclusive and shy individual. I hated who I was and tried everything I could to fit in. I had no self-confidence and had a hard time making friends. 

This all changed when I first got involved with Girls Inc. My mom signed me up for their camps in hopes that it would help instill confidence in me and teach me that I was beautiful no matter what. Just like that, my whole outlook on life changed.

To say that Girls Inc saved my life is by no means an exaggeration. Without this organization, I would not be the person I am today. They taught me to love who I was and that I was enough no matter what anyone said. 

Through participation in their programs, I gained so much confidence and wisdom that I continue to carry with me to this day. I have had the opportunity to meet so many amazing female role models that inspire me and help me to reach my full potential. I have met some of my best friends at Girls Inc camps and will cherish the relationships that I have created forever. I have also developed a passion for STEM-related topics and advocacy due to their programming, things that I hope to pursue in the future. I truly don’t know where I would be today without the commitment of those involved with Girls Inc.

Being part of this organization was one of the greatest highlights of my childhood. That being said, it was far from the end of my Girls Inc journey. Even after I aged out of some of their programming, I continued to be involved with the organization. Last year, I decided to return to Girls Inc as a volunteer. This was another life-changing event for me. It really pushed me outside of my comfort zone and I grew so much as a person. It felt amazing to return to an organization that gave me so much and to help out at their programs and events. Not only did I get to give back to Girls Inc, but I also got to make an impact on other girls’ lives. Mere words cannot describe how amazing it is to be able to help instill confidence in young girls and see them grow as individuals.

Another amazing opportunity I’ve had is participating in the Girls Government program. This program allowed me to further develop my leadership skills and continue to make a difference in my community. There I was able to discuss issues that were facing girls and advocate for change. I got to meet local and national politicians through trips to Parliament and Queens Park and discuss issues such as sexual violence, education, reproductive rights, and much more. It was amazing to get this opportunity to advocate for change and to bring forward issues that I am very passionate about. This experience helped me gain confidence and become a leader. It taught me that I have a true love for advocacy and changing the world for the better. 

I am forever proud to call myself a Girls Inc girl.